Collection: Warlocks MacGregor Series Ebooks

Magic, Mischief, and Kilts!

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From the Highlands of Scotland to the valleys of Wisconsin...

A modern-day Scottish Paranormal Romance, Award-Winning Series by NYT Bestselling Author Michelle M. Pillow.

  1. Love Potions
  2. Spellbound
  3. Stirring up Trouble
  4. Cauldrons and Confessions
  5. Spirits and Spells
  6. Kisses and Curses
  7. Magick and Mischief
  8. A Dash of Destiny
  9. Night Magick
  10. A Streak of Lightning
  11. Magickal Trouble

About the Series:
People know magic is fake--card tricks and illusions, magicians and entertainers. But there is an older magick, a powerful force hidden from modern eyes, buried in folklore and myths, remembered by the few who practice the old ways and respect the lessons of past generations.

The term "warlock" is a variation on the Old English word waerloga, primarily used by the Scots. It meant traitor, monster or deceiver. This fiction-based family includes males and females of magick. The MacGregors do not agree with how history has labeled them, or other supernaturals. To them, warlock means magick, family, and immortality. This series is not a portrayal of modern-day witchcraft or those who hold such beliefs. The MacGregors are a magickal class all their own.